Talk:Turf 2 Design/Suggestions
Base Engine
Performance Goals
Artistic Goals
Regarding Finance / Resources / Economy:
Does this mean that there could be some things like tax implementation or subsidies? Corporate tax on Offices, Tax on Residential Income? If you choose to do so, do you think you can give "tax cuts" to the citizens to encourage spending and make them happy/not poor? Would this tie into government ideologies or systems of government if depending on if a system of government is implemented?
I think it would be useful to create a system like "a budget" to fund things to attempt to put money back into the economy without too much player micromanaging whilst the player is doing missions or elsewhere. One of the bigger issues I did see with Turf 1 was that you can literally start accumulating millions upon millions out of nowhere, and although it could be spent on buildings, I think policies / nonvisible upgrades to existing buildings would be very good to have. For instance, say you have an office, you can have some type of policy that will say "Central Network Interface" and this would do something to boost something like the productivity output of the office, which should possibly increase its income or happiness of workers, maybe?