Bandit Base

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Revision as of 13:01, 3 February 2018 by SnapperTheTwig (talk | contribs)
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Bandit Bases are where Bandits hide. More importantly its where they store their loot...

Bandit Bases are the only legal places where you can aquire gold tier Weapons and Weapon Mods. You also have a chance to spawn valuable items such as Jewellery or precious metal ingots.

Types of Bandit Bases


Small bandit bases are scattered all over the map.

  • Bandit Bunker (only spawns in Hills)
  • Bandit Seabase (only spawns in Sea lots). Note: These spawn Hovercrafts for you to steal!
  • Bandit Base
  • Bandit House
  • Bandit House 2


Big Bandit Bases spawn 3x the loot, but also have 3x the enemies.

  • Bandit Fort
  • Bandit Factory


Bandits will respawn continuously unless a player is standing on the base. More specifically bandits will spawn unless the base is under siege - there is a non bandit on the base (a faction goon or a foot CDF officer do count).

All vanilla bandit bases in the game have at least 1 point of entry where you can get into the base without having to blow anything up.


If you are attacking a base with an ally and they die, hide somewhere on the base. This will suppress bandit respawns


Level 1 bandit bases have a slight chance of spawning silver tier weapons and mods, and no chance of spawning gold weapons/mods

Todo: table of loot (check the lua file!)


You can add Bandit Bases to a LotPack by marking it. Be sure to spawn a Burning Barrel.

External Links

Dev Diary 9: Meet The Bandits (IndieDb)